FakeDiplomaNow.com Reviews! Feedback! Complaints! Updated Tue, Oct, 2024

Last Known Rating for FakeDiplomaNow.com


Is FakeDiplomaNow.com Legit? No way, Jose!

As of today, FakeDiplomaNow.com is not active. The site has either been shut down or gone out of business and this is a very good thing. At the time of our latest reports, they were scoring a dismal 4.00% in product quality, 4.00% in turnaround times and 5.00% in customer support.

The reality is those scores were higher than they deserved to be! Our current date reporting can’t score any site lower than 1% overall… just like you can’t get a worse grade than a “F” on a test.

FakeDiploma.com was 100% a Fake Diploma Scam Site!!

I don’t like to use the term SCAM because it gets tossed around too easily these days on review sites. BUT if there was ever a site deserving of such a claim, it’s these guys. Sites like this put a bad name on the industry as a whole and it’s sad that they can exist. I can not count how many times a pissed off customers of theirs wrote me about getting scammed by these jerks. So many clients stated that they sent this company money via wire transfers or money grams only to have nothing sent to them! So they would pay up $300 to $500 and NOTHING would arrive. How upset would you be? How irritated would you be? They would complain to the support department there and the site would either block their email or refuse to talk to them.

When they did threaten to report them them to the money gram companies they were threaten. A story I’ve heard a few times was that they would report

In all my time of working this review site, this was by far the biggest scam and most shady website hands down.

Why do you post the scores if FakeDiplomaNow.com is out of business?

A lot of scammers will come and out. Sometimes old sites come back online and sometimes they start up new businesses under different domain names. I am keeping this report open in case this happens so I can quickly get the word out to protect buyers.

If you have recently purchased from this site, please let me know. Whether the experience is bad or they’ve learned their lesson and have gotten better, I would like to know. Also if you believe they are now operating under a difference website thee days, I’d love your input to help my site.

Current Customer Score