Best Fake High School Diploma Reviews in 2025!!
Looking for the Best Fake High School Diplomas? Let’s See What Buyers Think!
A lot of times people will ask us, “what is the best site to buy fake high school diplomas from?” Although there are various ways to approach this question, we decided to ask buyers of high school degree fakes themselves and collect their thoughts through polling.
Although the data varied greatly depending on whether somebody purchased a template product or replicas, obviously some suppliers fared stronger overall.
An example is who scored a remarkably high 98.00% approval of their phony high school diplomas. This means that 98.00% of their customers we polled were pleased with the high school document provided. When we compare that to who polled at 95.00%, we can see which site buyers prefer.
Again in most cases offering replica items makes a huge difference. So a site like Diploma Company only provides high quality replications of a high school diploma. This means the diploma would capture the layout, structure and font of the real graduate degree. Another option would be to customize a template. These cost less but almost guarantee a less authentic looking document. Sites like push this as a cost savings option for buyers but it pulls down their score overall. You can see what we mean with the 97.00% approval rating Phony Diploma lands with buyers of fake high school diploma purchases. Again, the figures aren’t awful but a bit behind the top sites.
Complete Fake High School Diploma Approval Rates by Sites – Updated February 11th!
Please keep in mind that with all data, the figures are always subject to change as more clients submit feedback and we document their experiences. If you are in the market today for a fake high school diploma, you may want to consider these findings are they are current. As sites change, employees come and go, capabilities may improve or digress so make sure any site reviews you pay attention to are current.